Hello everyone! As promised, here’s the follow up post to my PDO Thread Lift experience in Singapore!!! This is me, just ONE WEEK after the op!
Quite a lot of difference right!? Most the sagginess is now gone and you can see a distinct v shape face that was missing before.
I’m very pleased and satisfied with the Thread lift. I finally have a more v shape face!
However, I’m still thinking I might need a bit of touch-up on one side so I’m going to check with doc about this during my next review.
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My 2nd review: Doctor does some markings at the spot I want some minor touch-up.
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The past week has been good. I get compliments that I look a lot more youthful and energetic! Some think its the skincare I’m using; others think it’s the yoga classes starting to show effect. I think it’s due to the more v shape face I now have haha… /wink
Before & After my V Face Threadlift
I think it’d be appropriate to show everyone a before/after shot now just so you can see the BIG difference!
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Notice the distinct difference of my face? The jowl used to creep all the way down to the chin and now it is all gone! Bye Bye Jowl!! 🙂
Now the big test is how long the effects of this V lift can last. I’m very happy with the results so far and the best thing is there’s no recovery time for v face thread lifting and you can pretty much resume your daily activities almost immediately after the treatment.
The v lift also helps stimulate collagen growth in the face, which is a natural anti ageing process.
All in all, it was a great success!!! I look refreshed and I’m full of confidence now.
Singapore Thread Lift Questions
I’ve been asked many questions about this Thread lifting treatment so I will try my best to answer them here.
Will this thread lift leave any SCARS?
PDO Thread Lift enhancements are very gently with no cuts and incisions as a very fine needle is used. Hence no scars will be seen after this type of facelifting treatment. Many doctors feel that thread lifts are even safer than filler injections.
Is it safe and how long is the recovery phase?
The threads have been used in medicine for many years, so it is definitely safe! Right after the Thread lift, I can immediately see a lifted appearance and feel tightness on my face. In the hands of my skillful doctor, I did not have any downtime. To my delight, no pain felt after the treatment, just a little tightness feeling around my face area. The overall treatment time is around 20 mins. YES! It is just 20 mins only!! It is so fast and convincing : )
Which parts of the face is it suitable for?
Virtually every part of the face – sagging jawline, eyes, neck and many more! Of course, the most effective is the chin area to get that desired V shape face. Check out this diagram for more info.
These PDO threads stimulate collagen, HA and elastin synthesis so in addition to a mechanical LIFT, skin is also further plumped up and youthful looking. You can even get body threads done to lift and tighten skin around the arms and butt ^^
For those of you who missed my first review of my threadlift experience read it here